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Board of Finance Minutes 02/10/2015
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.

Present:        Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, BJ Bernblum, H. P. Garvin, III, Christopher Kerr,
                       Janet Sturges, David Woolley
                        Alternate Members:~ Robert Jose, David Kelsey, Gil Soucie

                Bonnie Reemsnyder, ex-officio
                       Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
                Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman
                Skip Sibley, Selectman

AbsentRegular Members:
                Alternate Members:

Guest:                  Ed Adanti, Director, Public Works Department
Don Bugbee, Director, Parks and Recreation Department
               Gary Yuknat, President, Shoreline Sanitation, Inc.
                David Roberge, Fire Marshal and Director of Emergency Management
                Frank Geer, Old Lyme Ambulance
                Jim Jakes, Old Lyme Ambulance


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

Minutes of January 20, 2015

Minutes of January 20th were reviewed.   There was discussion on several corrections that needed to be addressed before minutes can be approved.  Therefore, the minutes were tabled, pending the necessary revisions, until the February 24th meeting.

01-204-400  Parks and Recreation

0400  Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation Director Don Bugbee reviewed the budget with the Board noting that most line items remained the same from last year.  There are increases in Field Supplies (infield clay and turf material), Swim lines, and Cleaning lines. There was a discussion on the Lyme – Old Lyme student ratio and how the supply lines should be split between the two towns.  Anticipated decreases are in Seasonal Wages, Sound View Facilities and Programs line items.

A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $220,739 for Parks and Recreation operating budget.  Motion carried.

0410 Town Woods Park

Mr. Bugbee stated that the ground maintenance contract will expire in December 2015. Mr. Bugbee stated that Ron Tyler of Country Lawn has the contract presently and if he was to renew the next contract, it would be for a two year period (Jan. 2016-Dec. 2018) and he plans to use the same price structure as the last contract.  Prices would hold the same from 2015 (last year of present contract) through 2016 (first year of next contract) and then increase 2% for 2017 and 2% for 2018.   There was discussion that the maintenance contract should run concurrently with the fiscal year.  The Town added a consultant for $5,000 this past fiscal year; however, no one has been selected.  Mrs. Reemsnyder commented that, between Lymes’ First Selectman Ralph Eno, Mr. Bugbee and herself, they have worked well on the timelines for maintenance, etc., for Town Woods Park.  Therefore, the Consultant line does not need to be funded.  Increases requested are for Gatekeeper and in the Cleaning lines.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Garvin to approve $167,750 for Town Woods Park Motion carried.

Parks and Recreation Five-Year Capital Plan:  Mr. Bugbee outlined the Parks and Recreation Five Year Capital.  Included in the Capital requests are repairing cracks and resurfacing of the Cross Lane tennis courts, as well as resurfacing the basketball courts at Cross Lane.  Lacrosse and soccer goals are included at Town Woods Park. Little League increases include a Sand Pro Machine, a shed and batting cage (all reimbursable at 25% by Lyme).  Playground mulch is replaced every three years, also 25% reimbursable by Lyme.

Parks and Recreation – Other

This area encompasses the following:
0420    Fireworks          -    $18,500
0421    Memorial Day    -       $ 4,000

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve $22,500 for the Parks and Recreation - Other.  Motion carried.

203 Public Works

Mr. Adanti thanked the Board for the approval of the sidewalk snow machine as it has really paid for itself these past few weeks.  He highlighted the budget for Public Works operating expenses and summarized the expenses.  He explained the various areas of increase and decrease.  Increase in the Landscaping line ($8,000) reflects an addition by the Tree Commission for tree removals, emergency trimming, storm damage, stump grinding over and above the Tree Commission budget. Increase in vehicle maintenance is part of an ongoing maintenance program that has been put in place so there will be an increase on truck parts as well as gas and diesel for the Public Works vehicles. Mr. Adanti requested that the Chip Seal line item include “Overlay” as he thinks the process of overlaying is more effective than chip sealing and is a more accurate classification of this line.

There was an increase in the Contracted Services because of the storms the last few weeks.  There was a discussion on the salt budget in relation to the winter storms and amount of salt/sand ratio that has been used.  There was a discussion on putting an additional line in Capital solely for road maintenance and it was decided to move the Repairs Chip Seal ($125,000) to the Capital line.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Garvin to approve $852,297 for Public Works.  Motion carried.

Public Works:  Capital

Public Works Capital and Projects were discussed.  Mr. Adanti stated that small equipment gets replaced and a dump truck with plow, to replace the 1996 International needs to be considered.  Street light replacement is an ongoing project to replace the older style street lights.
One of the two areas of Capital are for Roads and Projects, to which $125,000 was just added.  Included is 2.2 miles on the east side of Rogers Lake ($400,000, which is a State black top bid) for milling and repaving. Road Projects included reconstruction of Buttonball Road.  

213-0011  Sanitation

213-1300-0011-000  Municipal Refuse Collection (MSW)

Mr. Yuknat stated that the overall budget increased 1.8%.  There are three drivers that handle all the Trash and Recycling collections.  The increase in labor is due to the departure of one man and the training of a new employee.  There is a decrease in the fuel expense, operating supplies, tires and repairs and maintenance.    Debt Service increase incurred as a new truck should be received around July (a truck costs $250,000).  There was an increase in uniforms, DOT, and Personal Property.

213-1300-0011-001  Single Stream Recycling

Mr. Yuknat discussed the Single Stream Recycling program and its growing popularity.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Garvin to approve $577,299 for Municipal Refuse Collection (MSW) and Single Stream Recycling.  Motion carried.

213-1300-0560-000  Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority (CRRA)

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the CRRA’s amount is $242,000.

A motion was made by Mr. Bernblum, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $242,000 for CRRA.  Motion carried.

213-1320  Recycling

This includes recycling functions performed at the Transfer Station.  There is an increase within Recycling – all items line.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $44,170 for Recycling.  Motion carried

213-1330  Household Hazardous Waste Facility

The Household Hazardous Waste Facility offers the 9-11 towns that participate in the program approximately sixteen dates from April through November at the Essex Transfer Station, on Dump Road, at the Essex/Deep River town line.  This service is offered to town residents, free of charge and identification is required.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve $27,000 for Household Hazardous Waste Facility.  Motion carried

213-1340  Transfer Station

This covers the daily operation of the Transfer Station on Four Mile River Road.  All lines remained the same as last year.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Garvin to approve $238,942 for the Transfer Station.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell stated that Emergency Management be added to this evening’s agenda.  A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to add Emergency Management to the agenda.  Motion carried.

205 Public Safety

205-500  Public Safety – Emergency Management

Mr. Roberge stated that the new Everbridge Reverse 911 system has been very successful.  Mr. Roberge explained that because of its success with over 2,600 signed up, he has requested an increase of $5,000 in Everbridge education.  Mr. Roberge requested this item be tabled until the February 24th meeting so he can present a detailed plan of development.

Mr. Russell requested that the Volunteer Ambulance Association be moved up on the agenda.  Therefore, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley to move the Volunteer Ambulance Association up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

205-0520  Volunteer Ambulance Association

Mr. Jakes explained that the new item included in their budget request is protective clothing for EMS employees that are NFPA & OSHA requirements.  For 6 sets of safety turnout gear, (which includes a jacket, pants, boots, helmets, and gloves), the cost would be $13,920.  The 6 sets are custom fit to the individual and replacement timeline is approximately ten years.  Because of the safety issue, it was decided to approve this expenditure in the current budget year.  Therefore, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley to add up to $14,000 for the safety turnout gear.

Salaries in the amount of $125,611 were already approved at the February 3rd meeting.  Therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $137,611 for the Volunteer Ambulance Association’s budget.  Motion carried.

01-210 Capital Project Funds

Mrs. Stajduhar outlined the Capital Project Funds, which are monies taken out of the budget to pay for non-recurring purchases of equipment and/or services.  The following transfers are recommended.
*1000  Revaluation - $20,000 – towards next physical revaluation in 2019.  
A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $20,000 for Revaluation.  Motion carried.

*1005  WPCA - $100,000 – This item was tabled for this evening

*1006  Building Improvement Fund - $1,000 –To be used towards building projects
A motion was made by Mr. Bernblum, seconded by Mr. Garvin to establish this fund and approve $1,000 for the Building Improvement

*1007  Road Improvement Fund - $400,000 – For large road projects
A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve $400,000 for the Road Improvement Fund.
        *1020  Open Space - $75,000- Open Space Commission request
A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $75,000 for Open Space.  Motion carried.

        *1030  Fire Apparatus & Equipment - $130,000 – For replacing two trucks over 7 years
A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $130,000 for Fire Apparatus and Equipment.  Mr. Kerr abstained.  Motion carried.

01-215-1500 Debt Services

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the Debt Service Principal will be $275,000 and the Debt Service Interest will be $82,719.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $357,719 for Debt Service principal and interest.  Motion carried.

01-211-1200  Private Beach Associations

With recommendations from the Beach Stipend Committee, the new Private Beach Association is as follows:
7007    Point O’Woods         $13,800
7008    Old Lyme Shores             9,000
7009    Old Colony Beach                    9,500
7010    Miami Beach                       20,500
7011    White Sand Beach                  14,300
7012    Rogers Lake West Shores             3,000
7013    Hawks Nest Beach                        1,600
7014    Federation of Beaches              ______0   (now included within the Police budget)
Total                   $71,700

Mrs. Stajduhar discussed the mechanics of a policy that needs to be implemented, where if the information isn’t received on a timely basis, the final grant payment will not be mailed out.  After discussion, it was decided that the first installment be paid, however, the second installment will have to be submitted with proper security documentation in order to receive the second and final installment of their grant toward security.  There was an extensive discussion as to the rationale to giving private associations additional funds for security.  There was discussion on the conflict of interest issue since several members of the board are also beach association members.  Mr. Garvin stated that he would give his voting authority to Mr. Kelsey.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Bernblum to approve $71,700 for the Beach Associations.  Mr. Kerr opposed the motion.  Mr. Garvin abstained from voting.  Motion carried.

Financial Reports/Chart of Accounts

Mrs. Stajduhar distributed the January 2015 Financial Report.  She stated that if anyone has any questions or concerns to please contact her for clarification.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.  Budgets for Fire Services, Social Services, Senior Citizen Services, as well as Other Business, are scheduled for discussion.

A motion was then made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E. Hayes